Pastor Johnny Hunt |
I chose to attend a Timothy-Barnabus Pastor's Conference. These are led by Johnny Hunt, a well-known Southern Baptist pastor out of Woodstock Baptist Church near Atlanta, Georgia. Pastor Johnny is known for the great passion he has for the church and for his heart to minister to pastors and their wives. I had hoped to attend one closer to home, but the one in Palm Springs was the one that fit in with the summer sabbatical schedule.
The conference is really good about calling leaders back to the basics of being with the Lord, being grounded in the Word, growing your heart for Him, and then ministering out of the overflow of the work that God is doing in your life. The warm desert setting has also provided an ideal setting for praying, planning, and thinking about how to lead the church in the coming days and months. I have also thoroughly enjoyed the heat! I think it has been over 100 degrees every day. I have done my best to spread wide my solar panels and soak in the sun. I hope I can draw on it during the long, cold winter months that lie ahead. It has been an awesome experience.
This is the final leg of the sabbatical journey. I return to church the Sunday of Labor Day weekend. Since the theme of the sabbatical has been "going to the water's edge," it may seem odd to finish in the desert. But the water's edge for me has really been the California coastline.
On my first day here, I drove up to see some dear friends that used to attend our church, but now live here. The journey to their place took me on a drive several miles up the Pacific Coast Highway, arguably the most scenic terrain that we experienced this whole journey. It was a fresh reminder to me that, even though there may be many desert times, the Lord will bring you back to the water's edge for times of refreshing. He is, as John 4 says, the Living Water that those who come to Him will never thirst. I'm hope to make it my daily practice to come to the water's edge for refreshing myself in Him.