Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Sailboat Trip

After a time of recovering at home, Stacy and I left on a trip that we had planned for us to be together.  I'm not sure why, but I have always had a fascination with boats.  If we are near any water, I can usually be found wandering around on the pier looking at the boats. I've always wanted to go on a cruise where we were the crew on a sailing ship.  In doing research for the sabbatical, we found a couple who has a heart for pastors who opens up their boat to them.  We booked it.

We weren't really sure what we were getting into.  We looked at the pictures online and read the description, but there was a lot that we didn't know.  All we knew is that we were going on a 36 foot sailboat with another couple who would be the experts.  That was enough to get me on board.

Our Sailboat--the Twocan
Stacy is not necessarily a boat person.  I think she just went along for my benefit.  But when we met the couple who owned and lived on the boat, Keith and Brenda, we immediately felt at home with them.  The boat was docked at the marina that is at Cedar Point Amusement Park.  The marina is just about 100 yards from entrance gate to Cedar Point.  Our hosts have had their boat there for several years. 

We slept on the boat the first night in the Cedar Point Marina.  The sleeping quarters was really

small, as you would expect on a boat, but we were comfortable and slept well.  We got up in the morning and after a great breakfast, we sailed across Lake Huron to Put-In-Bay.  It was such a scenic trip.  You could see Canada from the middle of the lake. 

I was surprised when part way across the lake, Keith, who is a certified Captain, asked me if I wanted to drive.  I was excited to do that.  It's really something to travel with no noise from the motor.  Just the sound of the wind in the sail.  Whenever the wind would blow strong, the boat would tilt to where the bow would go down into the water and you could hear things falling out of the cabinets below deck. That concerned me and made sick.  But I figured the captain wouldn't let me crash his boat and he had a big smile on his face, so I just kept driving away. 

We tied up to a  mooring ball when we arrived at our destination and that was really neat.  There was a regatta the next morning so there were lots of boats in port.  I'd always wondered how people who were tied up to those buoys were able to get ashore, and learned that there is a water taxi who you called and told your buoy number and they'd pick you up. 

We toured around Put-In-Bay and enjoyed this pretty little town.  There was a monument there that was dedicated to the battles that were fought on the Lake and to the longstanding peace that was struck between the United States and Canada.  We really enjoyed visiting with our hosts and seeing the beautiful scenery that you can from a boat.  Our hosts were impeccable and we were so blessed to get to spend time with them.  They had a remarkable story of how God had used them and brought them to the place where they did this ministry. 

We enjoyed the time on the boat, even though we each had a little bout of seasickness.  It was everything that I hoped it would be.  We sailed back to Cedar Point and this time Stacy got her turn to drive.  We slept on the boat again and then headed back home in the morning. 

It was risky to try something like this that we've never done before.  Keith and Brenda gave us a vision for what life could be like if we ever retire.  They are active in ministry.  They make an investment in pastors and their wives and recognize some of the unique struggles that they face.  It was also good for Stacy and me to be together in this unique environment.  We love being together and experiencing new things together.  We were blessed to have this time to share aboard a boat that literally took us to the water's edge. 

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